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    5 Smart Ways to Make Your Sales Team Love Your CRM

    There are plenty of businesses who scale new heights quickly after setting up a CRM. There are also an equal number of businesses who abandon a CRM out of frustration or fail at generating a solid ROI. Research from HubSpot in 2020, which covered sales leaders across continents, tells us that only 15% of them found a CRM easy to use while 76% said their team members don’t end up using most of the features available. Why is that? For all its multiple benefits, some CRM software can be notoriously low on user-friendliness, which is why it’s very important to choose your CRM carefully. But that’s not the only reason. Here are some reasons why your team hesitates using your CRM.

    My team lead doesn’t use the CRM so why should I? The number one reason, probably, why sales team members don’t use their CRM is that they don’t feel like there is enough involvement from their leaders. If you thought setting up a CRM with individual logins for your team is all that needs to be done, you’re mistaken. Sales teams need to see their leaders utilizing the tool to their advantage, demonstrate its benefits, and close more deals. Hold orientation sessions led by team leads and maybe even senior management. Demonstrated leadership buy-in is crucial to motivate the sales team to use a CRM.

    It’s too complicated and I don’t have the time to figure it out! Aren’t there times when you have felt overwhelmed by a new app you installed? Now imagine if you need to wrap your head around an entirely new way of working using multiple digital tools. A CRM is a bit like that to your sales team. The idea of using a complicated piece of software to record all their numbers, leads, and other precious information is daunting. Reduce the complexity and make it approachable for them with structured onboarding sessions followed by regular training support. A CRM undergoes updates like any other software and it’s important that your sales team is up to date on all of them. Offer appropriate guidance, help them find answers for technical roadblocks, and make sure new employees get the support they need. Make the learning curve smooth and watch your CRM adoption rates go up!

    Why should I use a CRM when I’m doing perfectly fine? Your sales team is extremely focused on their targets and if they don’t perceive immediate benefits they will hesitate to switch. Software like CRM are often seen as unproductive and something that takes up valuable time that they could otherwise spend in closing deals. They also fear losing the personal touch they have built up with customers. Truth is, with a good CRM, you’ll actually be able to create stronger bonds with your customers by providing your team with more insights into customer behavior. You’ll also gain the ability to customize customer experiences for each of your contacts and provide personalized service that will build loyalty. A CRM system enables your sales team to find more upsell and cross-sell opportunities, save time, and vastly improve their performance. Convince them by demonstrating the ROI and how a CRM can help them meet their goals quicker, and more efficiently.

    It’s double work because I can’t access it when not at my desk! To close more deals, you need to make your team more efficient. And if your CRM doesn’t move with your sales and marketing teams you’re already setting yourself up for failure. Mobile accessibility is a must with everyone increasingly using multiple devices. Smartphone users alone have increased by 73% between 2016 and 2021, which means more work is getting done on the move. If your sales team is unable to pull up their contacts while on the road or jot down notes while talking to a client they will be quick to abandon your CRM. Enable your sales team to unchain themselves from work stations and access the CRM on the go to save time and effort. Empower them with mobility and you’ll be rewarded with a stronger, more productive team.

    I cannot customize it the way I want! Sales flows happen in different ways at different points in the customer journey. A CRM should be able to accommodate these flows to align it with organizational processes, which your sales team is bound to follow. Features like logging in deal stages, automation capabilities, or pipeline management reports are great but can you tweak them to comply with what the salesperson has in mind? Can they integrate it with other tools that they use? These are the factors where a CRM truly makes a difference to your team.

    Take feedback and valuable opinions Just as customer feedback is crucial to help you evolve as a business and cater to your audience better, it’s important to check in with your sales team about their CRM experiences too. Collecting feedback regularly from your sales team, understanding their pain points and the features they are looking forward to will help improve your CRM and bring it to its highest potential. And so will your business.

    We take feedback seriously too. That’s why we give you a dedicated Support Account Manager for regular CRM audits to know what improvisations you would like. Get in touch with Metro Guild today for CRMs customized to your business!

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