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    The 4 Biggest Emerging CX Trends and Predictions You Need to Know for 2022

    Customer experience is more important than ever before. According to a 2018 study from PwC, customers are willing to pay up to 16% more for great service and that number is continuously increasing. With businesses fiercely competing for customers, it’s crucial that you offer a better experience than your competition. But what does that really mean? What do customers want from brands in 2022? And how can you make sure your business is ready for the future? It’s daunting to think about, but don’t fret – we’re here with a handy guide. Here are some predictions for customer experience trends in 2022 and how you can prepare today to keep up with the times.

    Immersive experience using omnichannel communication Immersive experiences are here to stay. Businesses need to ramp up omnichannel customer engagement with seamless, cross-channel processes for a more interactive and personalized experience. A customer’s journey is non-linear, which means they are not limited to a single funnel or medium. People can access products and services through multiple sources like websites, blogs, chats, and social networks. Organizations investing in omnichannel communication deliver a more inclusive customer experience by addressing these multiple channels. As a result, they are likely to see higher customer retention rates as happy customers increase.

    Seize micro moments and enhance personalization Customers are becoming more and more vocal about how they want to interact with brands that serve them. This has made personalization of customer experience one of the most important trends in 2022. The ability to personalize your service is likely going to be one of the primary reasons for customers choosing your company over competitors. The hottest emerging trend within personalization is to capitalize on micro-moments. These moments happen when customers experience something unique to them – like an exclusive offer or coupon – and they share it with their friends. These are microsecond sales opportunities but immensely powerful if you’re able to leverage them as a business. How? By doing your due diligence and implementing the right tools, like a CRM, to spot the perfect time to offer discounts and other promotions.

    Customer service automation for a smooth experience Customer service is a tricky job. You need to achieve high scores at multiple levels – quality, speed, effectiveness – to win the confidence of the customer. Augmenting your processes with AI not only makes you responsive but also reduces your costs. For instance, adding on chatbots equipped with natural language processing (NLP) makes your responses more humanized and personalized. What’s more, having automation also frees up valuable manpower that you could utilize elsewhere. It’s a win-win for your business!

    Finetune the mobile app experience Mobile is where it’s at in today’s customer experience. With nearly 65% of the world’s population now having access to a mobile phone the in-app experience is now extremely important to how customers view and rate your business. Begin by building in key push notifications, integrating APIs, and collecting data. To create a seamless and tailored experience it’s crucial to constantly gather quantitative analytics – installs, uninstalls, times your mobile app was opened, pages visited, etc. – and keep your service evolving. How can your business stay on top of CX trends using a CRM?

    Customer experiences are shifting all the time and your service strategy should always be one step ahead, anticipating customers’ needs. A CRM allows you to do just that and track how they’re responding to your business. It also helps you analyze what types of experiences they’re most interested in and tailor your marketing efforts accordingly.

    With a CRM solution, it’s simple and easy to create immersive, omnichannel experiences, gather rich data, enhance personalization, provide cross-device content and support, and automate it all! A robust CRM should give you telephony, email, SMS, and other integrated features, which can boost your effectiveness and win customer loyalty. For instance, if you want to capture a micro moment in the customer journey you can study the analytics from your CRM and set up offer notifications to customers at just the right time.


    Many organizations use a CRM for sales and marketing but a CRM is an invaluable asset if you want to enhance customer experience too. Using a CRM for more targeted efforts and creating better value helps you create a memorable customer journey across all touchpoints.

    Gearing up for a bigger, better 2022? Keep these hottest CX trends in mind and offer immersive, omnichannel experiences with ease using the feature-rich Metroleads CRM. Connect with us for a demo today.

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