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    Corona will have a deeper impact on how you work than you realized. Do you have it figured out?


    Covid-19 outbreak is a tragedy for all of us. To avoid social-connect, we are required to work remotely, which is one of the best solutions to deal with the situation. For small and medium businesses, many are scrambling to ensure maximum productivity for the employees working remotely.

    Let’s start with your employees. Apart from the tech savvy IT-staff, there are many non-IT staff who will specifically struggle with whilst working remotely. Hence, communication, which is the backbone of the any business, needs to be streamlined first.

    Here is what you must do:

    Get your telephony communication work for you, anywhere you are

    Setup your telephony first. Now, it’s the most recommended time to invest in telephony solutions. Today, out of countless conferencing solutions that are available, which solution best suits your business requirement is the major question. These solutions may be highly adaptable but many unwanted features make these tele-communication channels complex.

    Presently, we are totally dependent on the Internet to do our office job from home. Thus, the Internet usage has shot up across the globe. But, due to the poor connectivity, the conferencing solutions may not deliver the expected results. Because, not everyone might have the recommended or suitable setup. The fix for this issue is to ensure all employees have uninterrupted mobile data connectivity (and this can’t be guaranteed). If you are saving cost by shutting down offices temporarily; investing in Telephony services will turn out to be a wise move. Moreover, it will certainly help you in the long run.

    Tele-conferencing becomes the backbone of effective collaboration

    Setup up Tele-conferencing service first before you scramble for other solutions. It’s also a good idea to look for solutions that can offer transcript for phone calls and a central location for people to access phone recordings if needed for future reference. Now, all employees work remotely and face-to-face discussions/meetings rarely happen. In such cases, tele-conferencing assures smooth communication between teams and maintains a record of your communication in order.

    Video Calling to stay connected

    The present situation has prompted us to design an efficient and easy-to-use video chat and conferencing service. And, here we present METROMEET; unique in itself, offers some outstanding features including unlimited participants and minutes usage. It’s easy-to-use. However, all it needs is, a host must have a registered account to login to chat or host a meeting.

    Chat Solutions because humans talk. Email doesn’t cut it

    Invest in chat solutions that provide good automation and support for documents. Features such as autosaving a chat or attaching an important chat into the email will gain more popularity in the near future.

    Real-time visibility over your team

    Setup tracking for your employees to ensure their availability throughout work hours. It’s important for you to know how many people are available in real-time. If not setting up simple automations for notifications or fallback communication can be important in case of emergency.

    Considering the serious situation where most of countries are facing a total lockdown, solutions mentioned above, are the best suitable choices you must make to continue business as usual. Because, we all know, communication is the key, be it with your employees, clients, third parties, vendors, and all those who relate to your business. Talking of which, our next article explains how to stay connected with your clients and vendors and maintain healthy a business relation as you would usually you do.

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