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    5 Tips to Improve Customer Experience With CRM

    Among the many benefits of a CRM is the ability to consistently improve customer experience. Building robust customer experience strategies in conjunction with a CRM will prove most beneficial for organizations as it places customer value at the center.

    Customers today are picky, always connected, and tech-savvy. As customer behaviors and expectations continuously fluctuate, understanding their needs, which is a key part of business strategy, becomes more complicated.

    A 2019 Deloitte survey found that 92% of the participants agreed that CRM was one of the important tools to enhance their business strategy. Let’s take a quick look at some of the ways you can use a CRM to do just that.

    #1 Segregate customers smartly

    A CRM is extremely flexible, and offers you numerous ways to obtain crucial data. One of them is segregating your customers by not just their preferences but also by their journey.

    Separate customers who have just finished a purchase from those who are long-term buyers. Identify the ones facing certain issues and those who are still deciding. When you meet your customer at their stop in the journey you can proactively take action or offer the necessary service. Resolve their challenges, increase their satisfaction, and improve retention, all of which automatically boost your ROI. A customer-first approach also considerably reduces churn as customers feel engaged and prioritized.

    #2 Monitor your marketing moves

    It’s not enough to simply manage customer issues, though. You need to observe and understand how a customer engages with your business to achieve a sharper marketing focus.

    Use an integrated marketing platform and directly feed the results of every SMS or email marketing campaign onto your CRM. Are you understanding their needs? Are you reaching all your potential audiences and markets? Which of your ads is giving you tangible returns? Knowing the answers to these types of questions lets you improve your customer personas, relationships, and loyalty. It also shows you emerging trends, which you can then prioritize and capitalize on.

    #3 Use CRM data to create a sharp CEM strategy

    The importance of customer experience is only growing. A recent Forbes Insights study showed that 74% of consumers are more likely to make a buying decision based on their experience with the company alone. That’s almost three out of four customers. CRM gives you the precious insights you need to incorporate a Customer Experience Management (CEM) strategy into your business to boost the quality of your services. And, therefore, your bottom lines.

    A solid CEM strategy is easy to build with a CRM, which offers telephony, voice and video call, and other communication options. For example, among all the data that a CRM captures, is real-time customer feedback using live chat tools and post-interaction feedback forms to understand if your team is providing a good experience. This data can also help you decide training needs within your team to improve the experience consistently.

    #4 Embrace mobile CRM

    Multi-device customer journeys are the standard today. Customers access your services and products from a multitude of channels too, both offline and online, ranging from social media to your retail shop. What’s more, they also switch between these channels and devices multiple times during their journey. Yet, however confusing that might be to plot, it’s pertinent to your business and in your journey to becoming a CX leader.

    A mobile CRM is invaluable in always staying up to date and in touch with your customers. Access your data, respond instantly to speed up critical issue resolutions, and gain visibility into all the channels you are present from a single system wherever you are. Adopting a mobile CRM allows you to implement and execute your omnichannel approach seamlessly.

    #5 Make onboarding simple and painless

    Having a CRM makes the onboarding process quick and easy for both you and your customers.

    Customers often don’t look forward to learning about new products or changes to existing products due to confusing processes. With a CRM you can set certain triggers in place to proactively simplify a customer’s understanding of your products or services. For instance, you can put triggers in the CRM to set up discovery calls with customers who have written in asking questions about the product. This helps your team guide your customers whenever they need it and ensure customer success.

    A CRM is many things, but its biggest advantage is the ability to know your customers deeply. And that would be the biggest advantage of your business.

    MetroGuild’s CRM can help you achieve uninterrupted, flawless omnichannel communications with your customers. Connect with us today for a demo.

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